8.1 Introduction

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    All cholera treatment facilities should collect and report a basic set of well-defined data, in a standardized format, and on a pre-determined schedule. The set of data, the format, and reporting schedule is usually decided upon by the Ministry of Health or the cholera outbreak response committee.


    Data collection at each treatment facility is intended:

    1. To describe the outbreak at the local level, to monitor the quality of care and management and to assess the on-going needs of the facility (supply, human resources, number of beds, etc.).
    2. To describe the outbreak at the district-, regional-, and national-level, after being compiled across multiple treatment sites, to monitor its evolution over time, and to adapt the response accordingly.


    At central level, health authorities should assign a person or team in charge of information management who compile data, draft reports and share data in a timely manner with partners. Rapid information sharing is crucial to ensure a coordinated response that is adjusted to the evolution of the epidemic over time.