Hygiene of premises and materials
- Washes floors with detergent, rinses and disinfects them with 0.2% chlorine solution twice a day (or more often if necessary, e.g. in the event of heavy rainfall).
- Washes surfaces (tables, desks, chairs etc.) with detergent, rinses and disinfects them with 0.2% chlorine solution at the end of the day.
- After each discharge, washes patient chairs, cups and spoons with detergent, rinses and disinfects them with 0.2% chlorine solutionaCitation a.If mats are used: transports mats to the waste treatment area and eliminates them (do not reuse)..
- Ensures outside areas are clean.
Excreta buckets
- Empties patient excreta (vomit, stools) buckets when they are a third full into the dedicated pit (excreta pit) or the latrine.
- Rinses the buckets with clean water and disinfects them with 0.2% chlorine solution.
- Replaces the bucket after having poured 1 cm of 2% chlorine solution into the bucket.
Waste management
- Collects and transports waste to the waste treatment area at least once a day, leaves the full waste bins there and brings empty clean waste bins back from the waste area.
- Washes the dirty waste bins with detergent, rinses and disinfects them with 0.2% chlorine solution.
- Eliminates waste according to the defined protocol.
- Cleans the waste area (sweeps, ash disposal, etc.).
Other tasks
- Informs the person in charge of the ORP in the event of a problem (e.g. accidental exposure, PPE problem).
- At the request of the supervisor:
- participates in certain team meetings;
- attends certain in-service training courses.
- (a)If mats are used: transports mats to the waste treatment area and eliminates them (do not reuse).