Auxiliary nurse (CTC)

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    Reports to: CTC coordinator (or healthcare supervisor depending on the organisation)


    • Accompanies patients to the relevant treatment sector (oral or IV rehydration) once their treatment has been prescribed.
    • Settles the patient (chair or bed, blanket, cup, etc.).
    • Explains to the patient where the latrines, showers, hand-washing points are.
    • Prepares and distributes ORS, ensures that ORS is always available for patients, that cups of ORS are always filled, checks that ORS is drunk.
    • Alerts the nurse in the event of a problem.
    • Distributes meals to patients and attendants; checks that patients are eating.
    • Ensures patient hygiene (changes soiled clothes or blankets, etc.).
    • Collects and transports dirty laundry (patients’/attendants’ clothes and hospital linen) to the laundry.
    • Collects clean clothes and returns them to the patients/attendants.

    Patient dischargeaCitation a.Depending on the work set up, these tasks are carried out by nurses or competent health promotors specifically trained to communicate with patients.

    • Gives ORS for maintenance therapy at home.
    • Gives instructions on how to prepare ORS, the administration of treatment at home (ORS, zinc sulfate if indicated), to return to the CTC if symptoms reappear.
    • Gives ORS for maintenance therapy at home.

    Other tasks

    • Sorts and discards medical waste in his/her unit into the appropriate containers.
    • Participates in certain team meetings.
    • Attends certain in-service training courses.


    • (a)Depending on the work set up, these tasks are carried out by nurses or competent health promotors specifically trained to communicate with patients.