Coordinator (CTC)

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    Organisation and supervision of care

    • Ensures that:
      • the installations and equipment are suitable;
      • treatments are available (in the pharmacy and at the patient’s bedside);
      • protocols (degree of dehydration, case management, etc.) are available and applied;
      • patient supervision is effective, constant and good quality;
      • patient meals are adequate (quantity, calorie intake, etc.).
    • Participates in investigations into the causes of death and accidents related to treatment.
    • Decides on the expansion or reduction of the CTC depending on outbreak evolution.

    Staff management

    In collaboration with the administrator:

    • Evaluates the number of staff required for the entire CTC.
    • Selects healthcare staff.
    • Draws up job descriptions for medical staff.
    • Participates in the selection of technical (logistics, water and sanitation) staff if necessary.
    • Establishes the planning for medical staff (timetables, shifts, and rest periods).
    • Checks that scheduled staff are present in each sector day and night.
    • Draws up schedule of staff meetings (general, by sector of activity).
    • Chairs certain meetings.
    • Evaluates needs, organises and supervises initial and in-service training.
    • Ensures staff safety (appropriate PPE for the activity and correctly worn, manipulation of chlorine-releasing compounds, accidental exposures to blood, etc.).

    Management of material resources (drugs, consumables, food, etc.)

    In collaboration with the logistics, water and sanitation supervisor, the pharmacist and the administrator:

    • Evaluates needs and consumption.
    • Supervises supply and stock management.
    • Deals with possible problems (supply, transport, etc.).
    • At the end of the outbreak, supervises the closure of the site.

    MonitoringaCitation a.Depending on the context, data processing may be done by a data manager. In this event, the coordinator ensures the monitoring of this process and analyses and transmits the aggregate data.

    • Collects morbidity and mortality data every day, as well as entry and discharge figures.
    • Organises and analyses data weekly.
    • Transmits aggregate data.
    • Archives patient monitoring files.
    • Updates epidemiological curves.
    • Analyses results, evaluate if extra resources are needed.

    Other tasks

    Writes activity report (weekly and/or monthly) and final intervention report.


    • (a)Depending on the context, data processing may be done by a data manager. In this event, the coordinator ensures the monitoring of this process and analyses and transmits the aggregate data.