Logistics, water and sanitation supervisor (CTC)

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    Reports to: CTC coordinator

    Supervision of logistics, water and sanitation activities

    • During the outbreak:
      • Participates in and supervises the setting up of the CTC: construction, equipment, implementation and follow up, extension/reduction of CTC (in accordance with the coordinator).
      • Inspects installations and equipment to check they are suitable for any event, function correctly and are maintained, including the fleet of vehicles.
      • Ensures protocols/procedures (chlorination of water, chlorine solutions, waste management, etc.) are available, familiar to all and implemented.
      • Ensures uninterrupted availability of stocks (particularly chlorine-releasing compounds).
      • Ensures that the water supply is adequate in terms of quantity (finds out number of patients present every day) and quality.
      • Ensures safety of materials and facilities (watchmen, etc.).
    • At the end of the outbreak:
      • Organises and supervises the disinfection of the site and materials and the reconditioning of the site.
      • Supervises the inventory, the conditioning and storage of reusable materials and the correct disposal of non-reusable materials.
      • Supervises the setting up of associated peripheral ORPs when applicable.

    Management of logistics, water and sanitation staff

    • Evaluates number of staff needed.
    • Organize staff selection (with the administrator).
    • Draws up staff planning schedules (timetables, shifts, and rest periods).
    • Provides staff job descriptions.
    • Checks that scheduled staff are present in each sector day and night.
    • Chairs certain meetings.
    • Organises and supervises initial and in-service training courses.
    • Ensures staff safety (adequate PPE for the activity and correctly worn, manipulation of chlorinereleasing compounds, etc.).

    Management of material resources

    In collaboration with the logistics assistant and the administrator:

    • Evaluates needs and consumption.
    • Supervises the management of orders (chlorine, materials, consumables, food, etc.) and local purchases.
    • Supervises stock management.
    • Re-evaluates, together with the coordinator, the buffer stock in light of the outbreak’s evolution.
    • Informs the coordinator in the event of a problem (e.g. risk of stock shortage, delivery errors, transport problems) and ensures management of these problems.

    Outreach activities (zone covered by the CTC)aCitation a.Depending on the workload in the CTC or outside the CTC or for other reasons in relation to the context, the activities external to the CTC may be covered temporarily or on a longer term basis by another water and sanitation officer.

    • Identifies, from the CTC data, the neighbourhoods in the town or sections in the camp where there are problems; evaluates the needs on site in order to determine priority actions.
    • Sets up emergency actions (bucket chlorination, excreta control, collection and elimination of market waste, health promotion) and ensures the monitoring of necessary supplies, purchases, human resources, transport, etc.
    • Evaluates the impact of water and sanitation activities and adapts them if necessary.

    Other tasks

    • Writes logistics, water and sanitation activity reports (weekly, monthly and final).
    • Participates in certain team and coordination meetings.


    • (a)Depending on the workload in the CTC or outside the CTC or for other reasons in relation to the context, the activities external to the CTC may be covered temporarily or on a longer term basis by another water and sanitation officer.