11.7 Adverse effects

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    Rapid management of adverse effects is essential to increase tolerance and improve outcomes.

    • In the event of minor adverse effects, drugs should not be stopped. Providing support and using ancillary medicines is all that is necessary.
    • In the event of major adverse effects, the regimen may need to be adapted.


    Table 11.1 Main adverse effects and likely responsible drugs 


    Adverse effects 

    Drug(s) likely responsible 



    Nausea, vomiting  

    Z, Lzd

    Appendix 17  


    Appendix 17

    Peripheral neuropathy  

    H, Lzd, Lfx

    Appendix 17

    Orange/red urine, tears, etc.  


    Patients should be told before starting treatment that this is normal.


    Skin reactions  

    E, Z, R, H, Lfx, Lzd, Dlm

    Appendix 17  


    Z, H, R

    Appendix 17 

    Optic neuritis  

    Lzd, E

    Appendix 17

    Haematologic disorders  

    Lzd, R, H, E

    Appendix 17


    For more information on individual drugs, see Appendix 10.