Appendix 12. Layout and equipment of an ORP

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    The following layout, along with the list of equipment and articles necessary for a standard ORP (i.e. that only provides oral treatment during the day) to function, are only given as an example and must always be adapted according to the context.

    12.1 Layout of facility and installations

     CHO-Annexe 12-1


    Note: if the ORP is set up within the grounds of a health facility, put up a fence (posts + barrier netting or reed screens (or similar) depending on the context) to isolate the unit. One entry/exit point for patients and staff is sufficient.


    Symbols Installations Remarks
    CHO-Annexe 12-2
    Potable water point

    A jerrycan or bucket or container with a tap, placed on a stand.

    CHO-Annexe 12-3
    ORS point

    A jerrycan or bucket or container with a tap, placed on a stand.

    CHO-Annexe 12-4
    Potable water reserve

    A 120 litre container with a tap, placed on a stand.
    Adjust if insufficient.

    CHO-Annexe 12-5

    2 latrines (men/women), adjust if insufficient (at least one latrine in a PRO).

    CHO-Annexe 12-6
    Hand-washing point(s)

    At least one hand-washing point with 0.05% chlorine solution (120 litre container with a tap, placed on a stand + bucket under the tap to collect wastewater, to be regularly emptied).
    Adjust if insufficient.

    CHO-Annexe 12-7

    Dish washing area
    (cups and spoons)

    If using basins, build an apron slab to drain wastewater.
    A draining board to dry dishes in the open air.

    CHO-Annexe 12-8
    Waste pit

    A waste pit, protected by a fence to limit access.

    CHO-Annexe 12-9

    Stock of chlorine solutions

    A jerrycan or bucket with a tap, placed on a stand, for 0.2% and 2% chlorine solutions (out of patients’ reach).

    CHO-Annexe 12-10

    Chairs for patients and attendants

    One cholera (pierced) chair per patient.
    One normal chair per caregiver.

    CHO-Annexe 12-11
    Nurse’s post A table, chair and shelf.


    12.2. Supplies and equipment

    Basic equipment Remarks

    A 27.5 m2 tent for 11 patients + 1 nursing post
    A 45 m2 tent for 20 patients + 1 nursing post

    Plastic sheeting

    To cover the ground (if the ground is not smooth, washable, concrete).
    To protect the inside of the ambulance.

    Wooden stands for containers

    Jerrycans, containers or buckets with a tap must not be placed on the ground.

    Table + chair + shelves
    (nursing post)

    Drugs and supplies must not be stored all mixed up (difficult to find and inventory) or placed in a box on the floor.

    Chairs for cholera patientsaCitation a.Pierced chairs are enough in a standard ORP. Nevertheless it may be useful to have 1 or 2 cholera beds if possible, for patients who need to lie down even if they do not present serious diarrhoea (elderly patients, pregnant women, etc.).
    If the ORP is intended to stabilise severe cases before transfer it must have 1 or 2 cholera beds (depending on needs) + means to hang infusion sets along with the necessary materials (RL, infusion sets, catheters, 10% polyvidone iodine, compresses/cotton wool, tourniquet, plasters, tray, sharps containers).

    Appendix 13

    Number depends on the ORP’s capacity.
    Take into account chairs for both children and adults.

    Chairs for attendants Number depends on the ORP’s capacity (one attendant per patient).
    BucketsbCitation b.The buckets should be different colours to differentiate contents and use (e.g. white for chlorine solutions, red for patient excreta, green or blue for ORS, etc.). The designated use (ORS, chlorine solution and %, patients) should always be marked on the bucket (or any container).
    • To prepare chlorine solutions + mixing utensils
    • For wastewater (placed under hand-washing points)
    • 2 buckets per patient (stools and vomit)cCitation c.Buckets for stools/vomit and waste bins must be cleaned/rinsed and disinfected when they are emptied. Taking into account the turnover of material, double the number of buckets for organic and inorganic waste.
    • 1 bucket with lid (waste bin)dCitation d.Buckets for stools/vomit and waste bins must be cleaned/rinsed and disinfected when they are emptied. Taking into account the turnover of material, double the number of buckets for organic and inorganic waste.
    • 1 bucket for cleaning
    • A few buckets in stock

    Jerrycans, buckets or containers with tapeCitation e.The buckets should be different colours to differentiate contents and use (e.g. white for chlorine solutions, red for patient excreta, green or blue for ORS, etc.). The designated use (ORS, chlorine solution and %, patients) should always be marked on the bucket (or any container).

    • For distribution of ORS to patients
    • For distribution of potable water to patients

    Recipients for covered storage + tap

    • 1 x 120 litre container for potable water
    • 1 x 120 litre container for 0.05% chlorine solution
    • 1 jerrycan or bucket for 0.2% chlorine solution
    • 1 jerrycan or bucket for 2% chlorine solution
    Basins To wash cups and spoons.
    1 litre measuring glass To prepare ORS.
    Cups/small spoons

    Number of cups depending on the ORP’s capacity.
    Double the number (1 cup for the attendant).
    Take also staff into account.

    Personal Protective
    Equipment (PPE)

    • 2 basic PPE per person (tunic, trousers, boots)
    • 2 additional PPE for staff in charge of cleaning and waste management (Section 7.5.3)
    Cleaning equipment Broom, floor cloth, detergent, etc.
    Communication Mobile phone + credit or VHF radio
    • Lighting: if the ORP is open after daylight hours, electric lamps or kerosene lamps + kerosene.
    • Barrier netting/posts: if the ORP is within the grounds of a health facility.

    Documents and record keeping

    • Pens, markers, cholera register, patient files, stocks cards or register
    • Protocol on preparation and administration of ORS
    • Protocol on preparation and use of chlorine solutions
    • Basic hygiene rules in an ORP
    • List of contacts (supervisor, ambulance, etc. depending on the set up)

    ORS, sachet for 1 litre

    Depending on the expected number of cases and/or consumption + buffer stock (15%fCitation f.The buffer stock (15%) needed is less than in a CTC or CTU given that the number of sachets of ORS/person (10) is probably higher than actual consumption as the ORP, in theory, receives mostly patients following Plan A.).
    For example, 10 patients/day for a week: 10 (patients) x 10 (sachets of ORS) x 7 days = 700 sachets + 15% buffer stock (+ 100 sachets).
    The buffer stock may need to be increased (e.g. supply difficulties, area difficult to access).

    Antibiotic Depending on the expected number of cases (+ buffer stock 15%)
    Zinc sulfate 1 blister of 10 tab/patient under 5 years (+ buffer stock 15%)
    Soap One per patient + soap for the staff

    Chlorine-releasing compound

    NaDCC or HTH (start with 50 g/patient/day, and later readjust according to consumption).

    Disposable examination gloves

    If the patient has soiled him/herself and needs to be changed by staff or if risk of accidental exposure to blood or carrying out stool tests or cut or lesion on hands.
    If the ORP is intended to stabilise severe cases before transfer it must have 1 or 2 cholera beds (depending on needs) + means to hang infusion sets along with the necessary materials (RL, infusion sets, catheters, 10% polyvidone iodine, compresses/cotton wool, tourniquet, plasters, tray, sharps containers).


    • (a)Pierced chairs are enough in a standard ORP. Nevertheless it may be useful to have 1 or 2 cholera beds if possible, for patients who need to lie down even if they do not present serious diarrhoea (elderly patients, pregnant women, etc.).
      If the ORP is intended to stabilise severe cases before transfer it must have 1 or 2 cholera beds (depending on needs) + means to hang infusion sets along with the necessary materials (RL, infusion sets, catheters, 10% polyvidone iodine, compresses/cotton wool, tourniquet, plasters, tray, sharps containers).
    • (b)The buckets should be different colours to differentiate contents and use (e.g. white for chlorine solutions, red for patient excreta, green or blue for ORS, etc.). The designated use (ORS, chlorine solution and %, patients) should always be marked on the bucket (or any container).
    • (c)Buckets for stools/vomit and waste bins must be cleaned/rinsed and disinfected when they are emptied. Taking into account the turnover of material, double the number of buckets for organic and inorganic waste.
    • (d)Buckets for stools/vomit and waste bins must be cleaned/rinsed and disinfected when they are emptied. Taking into account the turnover of material, double the number of buckets for organic and inorganic waste.
    • (e)The buckets should be different colours to differentiate contents and use (e.g. white for chlorine solutions, red for patient excreta, green or blue for ORS, etc.). The designated use (ORS, chlorine solution and %, patients) should always be marked on the bucket (or any container).
    • (f)The buffer stock (15%) needed is less than in a CTC or CTU given that the number of sachets of ORS/person (10) is probably higher than actual consumption as the ORP, in theory, receives mostly patients following Plan A.