Essential drugs has been developed by Médecins Sans Frontières.
MSF would like to express its sincere gratitude to everyone who has contributed to developing these guidelines.
Co-authors: Roberta Caboclo, Aurélien Sigwalt
Gabriel Alcoba, Jessica Burry, Helen Bygrave, Cristina Carreno, Vinciane Cruyt, Ana Paula Dresch, Grace Dubois, Sylvie Fagard-Sultan, Caroline Gelosi, Melissa Hozjan, Nathalie Isouard, John Johnson, Stephanie Johnston, Louise Keane, Nadia Lafferty, Amin Lamrous, James Lee, Isabel Lucas Manzano, Miguel Palma, Barbara Pawulska, Roberta Petrucci, Nicolas Peyraud, Jean Rigal, Clara Van Gulik, Blandine Vasseur-Binachon, Cedric Yoshimoto.
Specific support has been given by the International Guidelines Publication team:
Editor: Véronique Grouzard
Language editors: Mohamed Elsonbaty Ramadan, Carolina López, Anna Romero
Lay-out designer: Evelyne Laissu