Linezolid (Lzd)

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    Update: February 2025


    Forms and strengths

    • 600 mg tablet (breakable and non-breakable)
    • 150 mg dispersible tablet 
    • 100 mg/5 ml, granules for oral suspension


    • Child under 15 kg: 15 mg/kg once daily
    • Child 15 to 45 kg: 10 to 12 mg/kg once daily
    • Patient 46 kg and over: 600 mg once daily
    • Maximum dose: 600 mg daily 


    For BPaLM and endTB regimens, these doses are administered as above for 16 weeks.

    After 16 weeks:

    • Child: the dose is administered 3 times a week (Monday/Wednesday/Friday), instead of once daily, until the end of treatment.
    • Adult: the dose is reduced to 300 mg once daily or administered 3 times a week, instead of once daily, until the end of treatment.




    Daily dose


    600 mg


    150 mg

    dispersible tablet

    100 mg per 5 ml

    oral suspension

    5753 ml
    6904 ml
    71055 ml
    8-9120-1356 ml
    10-15150-1801 tab
    16-23160-2761½ tab
    24-29240-3482 tab


    30-353002 tab
    36-454503 tab
    46-556001 tab
    56-706001 tab
    > 706001 tab


    • Alternatively, for children 5 to 6 kg, if oral suspension is not available: one half of a 150 mg dispersible tablet (75 mg) once daily.
    • If 150 mg dispersible tablets are not available, 600 mg tablets can be crushed and suspended in 10 ml of water or fruit juice to obtain a solution of 60 mg of linezolid per ml, administered as follows:




    Daily dose


    600 mg tablet in 10 ml

    (60 mg/ml)

    5751.25 ml
    6901.5 ml
    7-9105-1352 ml
    10-15150-1802.5 ml


    Contra-indications, adverse effects, precautions

    • Administer with caution to patients with haematologic disorders or hypertension.
    • May cause:
      • anaemia, neutropenia and/or thrombocytopenia;
      • lactic acidosis;
      • peripheral neuropathy (can be irreversible); rarely, optic neuritis;
      • abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nausea;
      • hypersensitivity reactions.
    • For the management of adverse effects, see Appendix 17.
    • Avoid or monitor combination with serotonergic drugs such as tricyclic antidepressants (e.g. amitriptyline) or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (e.g. fluoxetine, paroxetine): risk of serotonin syndrome.
    • Administer concomitantly pyridoxine (vitamin B6); child: 1 to 2 mg/kg (usual range: 10 to 50 mg) once daily; adult: 100 mg once daily.
    • Pregnancy: use if the benefits outweigh the risks (safety not established). Administer pyridoxine to the mother (as above).
    • Breastfeeding: avoid breastfeeding during treatment (safety not established).


    • Symptomatic monitoring.
    • Full blood count.
    • Visual acuity and colour discrimination.

    Patient instructions

    • Take with or without food.


    –  Below 25 °C

    Once reconstituted, the oral suspension may be kept at room temperature for 21 days, protected from light.