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    Aminoglycosides; rarely Cs or Trd, FQs, Eto or Pto, Lzd

    Hearing loss, tinnitus and/or vestibular disorders (vertigo, dizziness, imbalance) are signs of ototoxicity.
    Ototoxicity is most commonly observed in patients receiving large cumulative doses of aminoglycosides. Concomitant use of loop diuretics (furosemide), particularly in patients with renal insufficiency, may exacerbate ototoxicity. 


    Baseline and follow-up audiometry is required to detect early hearing loss. Hearing loss in high frequencies (> 4000 Hz) is often the first sign of auditory toxicity due to aminoglycosides and can be unnoticed by the patient.


    In case of hearing loss, tinnitus or vestibular disorders, discontinue the suspected drug if this does not compromise the effectiveness of TB treatment.
    If no alternative is available, reduce the dose of aminoglycoside (3 times weekly rather than daily, e.g. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday). Continuation of aminoglycoside therapy despite hearing loss almost always results in deafness.


    Tinnitus and vestibular disorders can rarely be due to Cs or Trd, FQs, Eto or Pto and Lzd. If stopping the aminoglycoside does not improve symptoms, other drugs can be discontinued to see if the symptoms improve, then reintroduced one by one to see if symptoms return.
    Drug-induced tinnitus and vestibular disorders can be irreversible.