Update: October 2022
2.1 Xpert MTB/RIF and Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra
MTB: M. tuberculosis; RIF or Rif or R: rifampicin; H: isoniazid
Results |
Interpretation and decisions |
Invalid/Error/No result |
Perform a 2nd test on a new specimen. |
MTB not detected |
MTB detected No Rif resistance detected |
Perform Xpert MTB/XDR (or LPA or pDST) to detect H resistance(a)Citation a.For all patients if possible, and at least those with high risk of H resistance (patients with previous TB treatment with H, or contact with a TB case resistant to H, or from an area with a prevalence of resistance to H ≥ 3%).; adjust treatment according to DST. |
MTB detected Rif resistance detected |
Evaluate risk factors for rifampicin resistance (RR):
For patients with MDR/RR-TB, perform:
MTB detected Rif resistance indeterminate |
MTB detected "trace" Rif resistance indeterminate (Xpert Ultra) |
2.2 Xpert MTB/XDR
MTB: M. tuberculosis; RIF: rifampicin; INH or H: isoniazid; FLQ or FQs: fluoroquinolones; ETH or Eto: ethionamide; AMK: amikacin; KAN: kanamycin; CAP: capreomycin
Results |
Interpretation and decisions |
Invalid/Error/No result |
Perform a 2nd test on a new specimen. |
MTB detected |
After a positive Xpert MTB/RIF, an "MTB detected" result is expected because Xpert MTB/XDR and Xpert MTB/RIF have similar detection limit. |
MTB not detected No resistance detected |
MTB detected No resistance detected |
MTB detected
Evaluate risk factors of resistance for each drug:
MTB detected Drug resistance indeterminate(h)Citation h.No "indeterminate" result is given for Eto. |
Perform a 2nd test on a new specimen. If still "indeterminate": treat with likely effective drug(s) while investigating resistance with pDST (or other gDST, e.g. second-line LPA, genome sequencing). |
- aFor all patients if possible, and at least those with high risk of H resistance (patients with previous TB treatment with H, or contact with a TB case resistant to H, or from an area with a prevalence of resistance to H ≥ 3%).
- bPatients with previous TB treatment with R, or contact with a TB case resistant to R, or from an area of high prevalence of resistance to R.
- cPatients with no previous TB treatment with R, or contact with a TB case resistant to R, and from an area of low prevalence of resistance to R.
- dA 2nd test is necessary because in a population with a prevalence of resistance to rifampicin < 5%, the positive predictive value of one test is < 80%, i.e. > 20% of rifampicin resistant results are false positive.
- eFor all patients if possible, and at least those with high risk of H resistance (patients with previous TB treatment with H, or contact with a TB case resistant to H, or from an area with a prevalence of resistance to H ≥ 3%).
- fPatients with no previous TB treatment with the drug or contact with a TB case resistant to the drug, and from an area of low prevalence of resistance to the drug.
- gA 2nd test is necessary because in a population with a prevalence of resistance < 5%, the positive predictive value of one test is < 80% (i.e. > 20% of resistant results are false positive).
- hNo "indeterminate" result is given for Eto.
- 1.World Health Organization. Xpert MTB/RIF implementation manual: technical and operational ‘how-to’; practical considerations. Geneva 2014. https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/112469/9789241506700;jsessionid=44788E3067C3F9DBF836E8BB6BB0F253?sequence=1
- 2.World Health Organization. WHO operational handbook on tuberculosis. Module 4: treatment - drug-resistant tuberculosis treatment. Geneva 2020.