See Toolbox
Works closely with the campaign’s logistics supervisor.
Before the campaign
- Participates in developing the activity timetable.
- Trains and supervises the vaccination teams:
- participates in vaccination team recruitment;
- participates in writing job descriptions for team members;
- participates in writing training documents;
- participates in team member training (theoretical and practical).
- Participates in campaign organisation, planning and monitoring meetings.
- Estimates the medical supply needs for vaccination sites.
- Participates in the selection and organisation of vaccination sites.
- Oversees the organization of public information and monitors the public information messages.
- Organises and supervises the management of vaccines and medical supplies.
- Organise et supervise la gestion des vaccins et du matériel médical.
During the campaign
1. Coordination and management
- Participates in campaign coordination meetings: presents results, discusses the difficulties encountered, and shares information on how the vaccination is going.
- Participates in daily data analysis.
- Ensures rigorous management of stock movements (vaccines, traceability, medical supplies, modules and kits).
2. Vaccination sessions
- Makes sure that each person is at his station, understands his role and performs his duties according to established procedures.
- Oversees the proper organisation of the site: outside (shelter, water available, etc.) and inside (flow, circuit, etc.).
- Verifies that the crowd control team is complete and effective.
- Makes sure that those vaccinated are in the target population.
- Makes sure that vaccination cards are filled in correctly.
- Checks the temperature in the cold boxes and vaccine carriers regularly.
- Makes sure that hands are washed, gloves changed, etc. on a regular basis.
- Monitors the vaccine reconstitution and syringe preparation procedures.
- Verifies that injection safety rules are obeyed:
- vaccinators wear latex gloves;
- safety boxes are used correctly;
- waste containers are stored in an isolated, protected location;
- work-type gloves are used for handling waste;
- waste is safely disposed of and destroyed;
- polyvidone iodine 10% is available at every site;
- in case of AEB: first aid given, AEB reported and person sent to the medical officer.
- Makes sure that recording is done correctly (no omissions/double entries).
- Supports the team (replacement during breaks, support in case of high volume, and support in case of difficulties).
- Identifies difficulties and institutes corrective measures.
3. At the end of the day
- Makes sure that the site is cleaned up and supplies put away.
- Collects and checks all the tally sheets (information complete and correct).
- Verifies that empty vaccine and diluent vials are gathered and counted, and that their lot number is entered on the tally sheet.
- Compiles and analyses the results.
- Completes the daily vaccination summary.
- Estimates and analyses the immunisation coverage.
- Calculates the vaccine utilisation rate.
- Fills in the vaccination summary table by location.
- Shares the results with the teams.
4. Other duties
- Participates in campaign coordination meetings: presents results, discusses the difficulties encountered, and shares information on how the vaccination is going.
- Participates in drawing up and analysing the daily summary table.
After the campaign
- Organises and supervises the inventory and storage of medical supplies.
- Participates in the final campaign evaluation and writing the final report.