Bedaquiline (Bdq)

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    Update: January 2023


    Forms and strengths

    • 100 mg tablet 
    • 20 mg dispersible tablet


    • Child up to 15 kg: according to weight and age
    • Child 16 to 29 kg: 200 mg once daily for 2 weeks, then 100 mg 3 times a week
    • Child 30 kg and over and adult: 400 mg once daily for 2 weeks, then 200 mg 3 times a week

    When administered 3 times a week, keep an interval of 48 hours between doses (Monday, Wednesday, Friday = M/W/F).




    Weeks 1 and 2

    Once daily

        Subsequent weeks

    3 times a week (M/W/F)



    100 mg


    20 mg

    dispersible tablet



    100 mg tablet

    20 mg

    dispersible tablet

    5-6 30-60

    < 3 months: 1½ tab

    ≥ 3 months: 3 tab

    < 3 months: ½ tab

    ≥ 3 months: 1 tab
    7-9 30-80

    < 3 months: 1½ tab

    ≥ 3 months: 3 tab

    ≥ 6 months: 4 tab

    < 3 months: ½ tab

    ≥ 3 months: 1 tab

    ≥ 6 months: 2 tab
    10-15 60-120

    < 6 months: 3 tab

    ≥ 6 months: 6 tab

    < 6 months: 1 tab

    ≥ 6 months: 3 tab
    16-29 200 2 tab 100 1 tab
    ≥ 30 400 4 tab 200 2 tab


    • Alternatively, for children 16 to 29 kg: 10 dispersible tablets of 20 mg (200 mg) once daily on Weeks 1 and 2, then 5 dispersible tablets of 20 mg (100 mg) 3 times a week.


    • If 20 mg dispersible tablets are not available, 100 mg tablets can be crushed and suspended in 10 ml of water or fruit juice to obtain a solution containing 10 mg of bedaquiline per ml, then administered as follows:


    Weight (kg)

    Weeks 1 and 2

    Once daily   

        Subsequent weeks

    3 times a week (M/W/F)

    Dose (mg)

    100 mg tablet

    in 10 ml

    (10 mg/ml)

    Dose (mg)

    100 mg tablet

    in 10 ml

    (10 mg/ml)



    < 3 months: 3 ml

    ≥ 3 months: 6 ml


    < 3 months: 1 ml

    ≥ 3 months: 2 ml



    < 3 months: 3 ml

    ≥ 3 months: 6 ml

    ≥ 6 months: 8 ml


    < 3 months: 1 ml

    ≥ 3 months: 2 ml

    ≥ 6 months: 4 ml



    < 6 months: 6 ml

    ≥ 6 months: 12 ml


    < 6 months: 2 ml

    ≥ 6 months: 6 ml


    Contra-indications, adverse effects, precautions

    • Do not administer (or discontinue) to patients with severe hepatic impairment, QTcF > 500 ms or clinically significant ventricular arrhythmia.
    • Avoid or use with caution and under close monitoring in patients with:
      • history of syncopal episodes, torsades de pointes, congenital QT prolongation;
      • uncompensated heart failure, severe coronary artery disease, bradycardia;
      • electrolyte disturbances (correct first K, Ca, Mg), hypothyroidism (provide thyroxine);
      • severe renal impairment, end-stage renal disease (optimal dosing not established).
    • May cause:
      • hepatotoxicity, moderate QT prolongation;
      • nausea, vomiting, arthralgia, headache, increased amylase level;
      • hypersensitivity reactions.
    • For the management of adverse effects, see Appendix 17.
    • Avoid or use with caution and under close monitoring in patients taking CYP450 inducers/inhibitors, some ARVs, or other QT prolonging drugs (Appendix 19).

    Pregnancy: use if the benefits outweigh the risks (safety not established).

    Breastfeeding: avoid breastfeeding during treatment (safety not established).


    • Symptomatic monitoring.
    • Liver function, ECG, electrolytes (K, Ca, Mg).

    Patient instructions

    • Take with food.
    • 100 mg tablets can be crushed and mixed with water or fruit juice.
    • 20 mg tablets should be dispersed in water, juice, milk, yogurt, porridge, etc.
    • Avoid alcohol during treatment.


    • For patients over 14 years who receive the regimen BPaLM or BPaL, bedaquiline can be given daily instead of 3 times a week: 200 mg once daily for the first 8 weeks then, 100 mg once daily.


    –  Below 25 °C