Appendix 12. Example of public information message

Select language:

There is currently a measles outbreak in ____________________________

Patient treatment

Consult your nearest health facility if a child or someone in your family has:


a fever and widespread skin rash
associated with
a cough or conjunctivitis (red, watery eyes) or nasal discharge (runny nose)


If the child’s condition is worrying (breathing difficulties, drowsiness, seizures, diarrhoea, refusal to eat, etc.), take him to the hospital immediately.


During the outbreak, measles treatment is free of charge.


Everyone age 6 months to ______ years should be vaccinated against measles.

  • Vaccinations will be performed from: ______________ to__________________
  • Please go to the nearest vaccination site: ______________________________


Measles vaccination is free of charge.


If you will be absent the day of the vaccination, go to the health facility as soon as possible.