BECLOMETASONE metered dose inhaler

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Last updated: June 2023


Prescription under medical supervision


Therapeutic action

  • Steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (inhaled corticosteroid)


  • Long term treatment of chronic asthma (maintenance and symptomatic treatment), alone or in combination with a beta-2 agonist bronchodilator 

Forms and strengths

  • Solution or suspension for inhalation in pressurised metered dose inhalers, delivering 50, 100 or 250 micrograms of beclometasone dipropionate/puff


Start at the step most appropriate to initial severity. Always try to administer the lowest effective dose.




6 to 11 years 12 years and over and adult




Only when symptomatic: 

200 to 500 micrograms, in combination with salbutamol

Mild persistent asthma

50 to 100 micrograms (low dose)

2 times daily

100 to 250 micrograms (low dose)

2 times daily 

Moderate persistent


50 to 100 micrograms (low dose)

2 times daily, in combination with salmeterol


OR (if salmeterol is not available)

150 to 200 micrograms (medium dose) 2 times daily

100 to 250 micrograms (low dose) 

2 times daily, in combination with salmeterol


OR (if salmeterol is not available)

300 to 500 micrograms (medium dose)

2 times daily

Severe persistent


150 to 200 micrograms (medium dose)

2 times daily, in combination with salmeterol

300 to 500 micrograms (medium dose)

2 times daily, in combination with salmeterol


OR (if salmeterol is not available)

> 500 micrograms (high dose) 2 times daily


In all cases, do not exceed 2000 micrograms daily.


  • As long as required. Re-evaluate after 2 to 3 months if doses are adequate or need to be increased or decreased.

Administration technique

  • Shake the inhaler. Remove the mouthpiece cover.
  • Breathe in and breathe out as completely as possible. Place the lips tightly around the mouthpiece. Inhale deeply while activating the inhaler. Hold breath 10 seconds before exhaling.
  • If hand-breath co-ordination is difficult, use a spacer to facilitate administration and improve the efficacy of treatment.

Contra-indications, adverse effects, precautions

  • Do not administer to patients with untreated respiratory infection.
  • May cause:
    • throat irritation, hoarseness and cough at the beginning of treatment; oro-pharyngeal candidiasis;
    • adrenal suppression with high doses for prolonged periods.
  • Pregnancy: no contra-indication
  • Breast-feeding: no contra-indication


  • When beclometasone is given with salbutamol, preferably use combination inhaler. If not available, beclometasone should be inhaled right after salbutamol.
  • Relief of symptoms may require several days or weeks of continuous therapy.
  • Clean the mouthpiece before and after each use.
  • Do not pierce or incinerate used aerosol containers (risk of explosion).
  • Also comes in a combination metered dose inhaler with formoterol.


–  Below 25 °C