AMPHOTERICIN B liposomal injectable

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    Last updated: March 2024


    Prescription under medical supervision


    Due to the numerous and potentially severe adverse effects of liposomal amphotericin B, patients should be kept under close surveillance.


    Therapeutic action

    • Antifungal


    • Cryptococcal meningitis, when conventional amphotericin B is contra-indicated (severe pre-existing renal impairment or amphotericin B induced renal impairment)
    • Mucocutaneous or visceral leishmaniasis
    • Severe histoplasmosis

    Forms and strengths, route of administration

    • Powder for injection, in 50 mg vial, to be dissolved in 12 ml of water for injection, to obtain a concentrated suspension containing 4 mg/ml
    • With a syringe, withdraw the required dose of concentrated suspension. Attach the filter provided with the vial to the syringe; inject the contents of the syringe, through the filter, into the volume of 5% glucose (50 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml) needed to obtain a solution containing between 0.2 to 2 mg/ml, for IV perfusion.

    Dosage and duration

    Cryptococcal meningitis, severe histoplasmosis
    Child over 1 month and adult: 3 mg/kg once daily over 30 to 60 minutes for 2 weeks


    WeightLiposomal amphotericin B, 50 mg-vial in 12 mlG5%
    Daily dose
    in mg
    of vials
    Volume of suspension
    (4 mg/ml) to be withdrawn
    Volume required
    for administration
    4 kg1213 ml50 ml
    5 kg154 ml
    6 kg184.5 ml
    7 kg215 ml
    8 kg246 ml
    9 kg277 ml
    10 kg307.5 ml
    15 kg4511 ml
    20 kg60215 ml250 ml
    25 kg7519 ml
    30 kg9023 ml
    35 kg105326 ml500 ml
    40 kg12030 ml
    45 kg13534 ml
    50 kg15038 ml
    55 kg165441 ml500 ml
    60 kg18045 ml
    65 kg19550 ml
    70 kg210553 ml500 ml


    Mucocutaneous or visceral leishmaniasis
    Follow the recommended protocol, which varies from one region to another (exact dose, administration schedule, etc.). For information, the total dose in children over 1 month and adults is 15 to 30 mg/kg.

    Contra-indications, adverse effects, precautions

    • May cause:
      • intolerance reactions during administration: fever, chills, headache, nausea, vomiting, hypotension; local reaction: pain and thrombophlebitis at injection site; allergic reactions;
      • gastrointestinal disturbances, disturbances in renal function (raised creatinine or urea levels, renal impairment), hypokalaemia, hypomagnesiemia, elevated liver enzymes; rarely, haematological disorders (thrombocytopenia, anaemia).
    • Avoid combination with: drugs causing hypokalaemia (furosemide, corticosteroids), nephrotoxic drugs (amikacin, ciclosporine, tenofovir); digoxin, zidovudine.
    • The infusion may be administered over 2 hours if necessary to prevent or minimize adverse effects.
    • Monitor serum creatinine levels, and if possible, serum potassium levels (once to twice weekly) throughout treatment; adapt adjunctive therapy (potassium and magnesium supplementation) according to the results.
    • If renal function deteriorates, reduce the dose by half for a few days.
    • Pregnancy: check for renal dysfunction in the neonate if administered during the last month of pregnancy.
    • Breast-feeding: avoid, except if vital


    • Liposomal amphotericin B is better tolerated and less nephrotoxic than conventional amphotericin B.
    • Do not add other drugs in the infusion bottle or bag; do not use the preparation if there is visible precipitation.
    • Before each infusion, rinse the IV catheter with 5% glucose.


    • Vial of powder: must be kept refrigerated (between 2 °C and 8 °C) or below 25 °C.
    • Solutions (reconstituted and for infusion): be kept refrigerated 24 hours (between 2 °C and 8 °C).